RPF SI Cutoff 2024, Check Category-Wise Previous Year Cutoff Marks

RPF SI Cutoff 2024

The selection process of the suitable candidates for the post of Sub Inspector has multiple stages and the first among those is the Computer Based Test (CBT) phase. The exam will test candidates in the form of a multiple-choice question paper worth 120 marks. To advance to the next stage i.e. PST/PMT, the candidates will have to score equal to or more than the RPF SI Cut Off 2024. The cutoff will be announced for each category of candidates on the official RPF website along with the result for the CBT stage.

RPF SI Cutoff  2024

The RPF SI 2024 Cutoff will be released on the official RPF portal along with the result for the CBT. The level of the cutoff marks will depend upon many factors which vary every year. The candidates who are going to appear for the RPF SI Exam this year should be aware of the RPF SI Cutoff for the previous years as it can guide them in coming up with the best strategy to score maximum in the upcoming exam.

RPF SI Cutoff 2024 Minimum Qualifying Marks

The official RPF SI Notification 2024 provides many details regarding the recruitment process. However, the RPF SI Cutoff is available only after the result for the written exam is declared. The notification provides for the minimum marks that the candidates should obtain in order to be considered for evaluation. These marks have been given in the form of a percentage of the full marks for the different categories of candidates. Given below is a tabular representation of the minimum qualifying marks as mentioned in the detailed notification.

Category Minimum Qualifying Marks
UR 35%
EWS 35%
OBC (NCL) 35%
SC/ST 30%

RPF SI Previous Year Cutoff Marks

 The last installment of the RPF SI Exam was held in 2018-19 and the cutoffs for the different Groups were declared on the official RPF website. These RPF SI Cutoff marks were released for the male and female candidates separately for each category. We have provided the summary of these marks in the table below for the reference of the candidates. They can analyze these marks to get an idea regarding the level of competition in the upcoming exam which can have an effect on the RPF SI Cutoff 2024.

The candidates should keep in mind that it has been almost 6 years since the last exam was held. So, they should just take reference from the marks mentioned here in the context of the competition level 6 years ago.

RPF SI Cutoff 2018-19
Category Group A  Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
UR 94.59 79.38 100.76 87.12 94.02 79.43 99.95 87.42 74.22 42 76.99 42
OBC 95.53 77.77 97.38 81.36 92.63 75.82 97.75 84.45 77.32 46.92 87.33 46.92
SC 88.23 74.36 90.06 74.22 84.15 66.32 88.49 72.92 69.44 38.67 72.33 38.67
ST 85.59 60.44 85.33 64.22 81.45 62.87 62.62 40.81 62.62 40.81 65.70 40.81

These cutoff marks were released along with the result of the Computer Based Test (Written Exam) held for the RPF SI Recruitment 2018-19. The candidates who qualified for these cutoff marks were called for the next stage of the selection process i.e. PET/PMT. However, for the preparation of the post-wise merit list, the final cutoff marks were released separately. The table below provides the category-wise final cutoff for the male and female candidates who applied for the various posts of RPF SI 2018-19.

RPF SI Final Cutoff 2018-19
Category Group A  Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
UR 104.23 83.60 106.40 90.50 98.63 82.30 119.68 94.85 74.63 43.17 76.99 NA
OBC 103.41 80.72 103.44 84.33 97.22 79.71 115.18 89.87 NA 46.56 87.33 NA
SC 92.82 73.78 92.29 71.67 89.37 70.48 95.41 79.84 69.10 47.62 72.33 NA
ST 95.20 71.97 93.11 69.03 89.24 69.06 100.60 93.87 67 43.52 65.70 NA

Factors Determining RPF SI Cutoff  2024

As mentioned above, the RPF SI Exam is going to be held after a long time and the level of competition has undergone great change in the past few years. The RPF SI Cutoff 2024 is going to be determined by a lot of factors which vary every year. The factors affecting the RPF SI Cutoff 2024 are mentioned in the points below. However, the candidates should keep in mind that there are more factors apart from those mentioned here that work behind the scenes.

  • Number of Vacancies: The number of candidates required to be recruited determines the minimum marks that need to be scored in the written exam. As this number varies each year, the cutoff marks vary along with it.
  • Number of Applicants: The total number of candidates applying for the vacancies determines the level of competition in the exam. However, it should be noted that the number of candidates who appear for the written exam may be different which will result in the level of cutoff varying accordingly.
  • Level of the Question Paper: As the exam is conducted on various dates in multiple shifts, different candidates may have to face different difficulty levels in the exam. The overall level of the exam as well as the level of each shift have a great impact on the RPF SI Cutoff.
  • Average and Highest Scores of the Candidates: The RPF SI Cutoff is determined by following a normalization process for the marks attained by the candidates. We do not have to dive deep into the details of the formula right now but the candidates should know that their scores in comparison to the highest score recorded in the written exam have a significant impact on the ROF SI Cutoff.


The RPF SI Cutoff 2024 will be decided by the Number of Vacancies, Number of Applicants, Level of the Question Paper and Average and Highest Scores of the Candidates. However, there are more factors at play in the process of determining the final cutoff for the male and female candidates applying from various categories?






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